One-hour river cruise - night

clock Cruise duration: minute
Price (per person) :450,- CZK - Adults

300,- CZK - Children

Departure time:
⭐November-March 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 daily Mon thru Sun,⭐April-October 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 daily,⭐June-September 22:00

You will be amazed by the Vltava river in the heart of Europe during the night river cruise in Prague. The views from the upper deck are just made for your camera . The Charles bridge, the National theatre, the Prague castle, and many many more. You will experience wonderful moments thanks to breathtaking views on the Prague's sights.

One-hour river cruise is an ideal choice for spending moments with your family or friends. The boat's deck is sure  perfect to make your evening even more enjoyable.

What you will enjoy:

  • Pleasant seating in uncoventional setting of a boat or a steam boat
  • Views on the major historical monuments such as the Prague castle, the National theatre, the Charles bridge, magical Kampa island, the Rudolfinum and many more
  • Wide selection of beverages at the bar (to buy)

This river cruise is operated daily year-round.

The latest departure time 22:00h is on offer only 1.6.-30.9.2023

One-hour river cruise - night

⭐November-March 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 daily Mon thru Sun,⭐April-October 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 daily,⭐June-September 22:00

450,- CZK - Adults 300,- CZK - Children

Price (per person)

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February 2025
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